12 February 2010

February's Book of the Month: Ottolenghi

Mouthwatering, refreshing, heavenly, magical, exquisite... Ottolenghi: The Cookbook is our February Book of the Month.

Yotam Ottolenghi starts his introduction to the book with "If you don't like lemon or garlic...skip to the last page". Well, if you don't like lemon and garlic you're missing out on some divine recipes and if you do head straight for the last page, you'd be disappointed to have jumped past the plethora of meringues, cakes and other baked goodies. Angie, bake your heart out!

I have bought this book countless times as presents for other people, gorged myself in the Islington restaurant, been engrossed in Yotam's New Vegetarian column in the Guardian for some time and finally received the book myself for Christmas...I was a happy bunny!

The only problem now is deciding what to cook and bring with me to the meeting.

I hope you enjoy it as much as me!
